Generate Output

Provides methods for generating output through the DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT) from within FrameMaker.

Select the build type and the desired options, then choose the Build button to generate output through the DITA Open Toolkit. If you want to generate output based on the current file (a topic or map) using one of the pre-defined targets (such as CHM, XHTML, or PDF), use the Current File option. If you have set up an Ant script to build a specific project (not necessarily the current file), use the Selected Target option.

Current File

This option uses a provided Ant script for processing the current map or topic file using the selected target. You can also use the Use Selected Ditaval File option to specify filtering using a selected ditaval file. For setup information, see Generate Output: Current File Option.

When this build type is used, a folder is created in the current file’s folder named build-<filename>. Within that folder, another folder is created to match the selected output type. The files are generated in that folder.

Selected Target

This option lets you run an Ant script and target that you have provided. For information on using this feature, see the section Generate Output: Selected Target Option.