Pubs-Tools:BookVars v.2.00
(18 April 2016)
Installing BookVars
Uninstalling BookVars
Known Limitations
Generate BookVars File
Update BookVars File
Update the variable definitions in an existing group
Add a new variable group to the BookVars file
Edit BookVars File
Selecting the Text Editor Type
Change editor types after creating a BookVars file
Use an alternate external text editor
Using special characters in the BookVars file
Import Variables
Automating the import of variable definitions
BookVars File
Create a BookVars file based on the variables in an existing Frame file
Set up a simple BookVars file (one group, three variable definitions)
Set up a more complex BookVars file (two groups, three variable definitions each)
Set up a shared group that is included in two other groups
Reference a common BookVars file
Using Special Characters
Delete specific variables from all files in a book
Rename specific variables in all files in a book
Replace specific variables in all files in a book
Log Files