INI-Only Settings

Describes the settings that must be made in the INI file directly.

The default values for these parameters should be sufficient for most people, but there are reasons that you may want to change the default behavior. The following settings must be changed manually in the ditafmx.ini file (<section>/<parameter>).


AutoLoadTopicrefs - If set to 0, topicrefs are not loaded when a ditamap file is opened.

StructappsFile - If set, this file is used as the structapps definition file.

XrefElements - A vertical-bar delimited list of element names that defines the elements that are valid as xref targets. For example, setting XrefElements to the following string limits the xref targets to the elements specified:

  • XrefElements=topic|concept|task|reference|section|dt

FmXrefElem - Defines the element name to use when mapping xrefs to FM-based cross-refs after file open (only used if GeneralExport/CrossRefToXref is enabled).

DitaHelpKeys - Specifies the shortcut keystrokes to launch context-help for DITA authoring.

DitaReference - Specifies the name of the DITA Reference CHM file (relative to the DITA-FMx folder.


IndextermProcessing - If set to 1, enables conversion of indexterm elements to proper format required by FrameMaker.

TableProcessing - If set to 1, enables the counting of table columns for proper import of simpletable and other table types into FrameMaker.


IndextermProcessing - If set to 1, enables conversion of indexterm elements from the format required by FrameMaker back to one required by DITA.

XrefProcessing - If set to 1, enables processing and conversion of xrefs.

CrossRefToXref - If set to 1, enables the conversion of FM-based cross-references to DITA-based xrefs.

DitaXrefElem - Defines the element name to use when mapping FM-based cross-refs to DITA xrefs on file export (only used if GeneralExport/CrossRefToXref is enabled).

IgnoreElemPrefix - If you use elements in FrameMaker that do not exist in the DITA DTDs, you should make sure they all have the same prefix (“fm-” for example). This INI setting specifies that prefix. This is required for proper generation of conrefs on export, and should be used in conjunction with any read/write rules that may be needed.


SetColumnsProp - If set to 1, enables the automatic assignment of the “columns” property.

SetColumnWidthsProp - If set to 1, enables the automatic assignment of the “column width” property.

CustomTableCount and N - Specifies the number of instances of simpletable elements that have been specialized that need to be automatically analyzed for their column number. The Count value should match the number of N values. Each N value should have the following format: “<table-element>|<row-element>|<cell-element>”.


AntCommand - Specifies the command or path/command used to run Ant. The default is “ant”, but if you need to specify another executable or if you need to include the path, change this value. This value is used for both Generate Output options, Current File and Selected Target.

EnvironmentSetup - Specifies a batch file to run before the Ant script in order to set up any needed environment variables.

AntScript - Specifies the filename of the Ant script that is run for the Generate Output: Current File option. The default is “ditafmx-ant.xml”, but if you need to specify another filename, change this value. This filename is assumed to be relative to the path specified by the DitaDir parameter.

Count and N - Specifies the number of build options available in the AntScript file (and thus displayed in the Generate Output: Current File output option). If you modify the targets in that script, be sure to update the Count value and add/remove the related N value.


Count and N - Specifies the number of “ANT:” sections which define the available build options displayed in the Generate Output: Selected Target output option. For each “ANT:” section added, you must update the Count value and add/remove the related N value. The value of each N parameter must exactly match the text following the “ANT:” section name.

ANT:build name

BuildFile - Specifies path and filename of the associated Ant script (use double backslashes as the directory delimiter).

EnvironmentSetup - Specifies a batch file to run before the Ant script in order to set up any needed environment variables.

Target - Specifies target within the BuildFile.

OutputDir - Specifies the path to the output directory (use double backslashes as the directory delimiter).

Logfile - Specifies the path and filename to the log file (use double backslashes as the directory delimiter).


Each parameter and value in this section define a “friendly name” and path/filename for a ditaval file. These ditaval files must be created manually and added manually to the INI file in order to be recognized by the Generate Output command and the Apply Ditaval as Conditions command.

Related information
DITA Options