Working with Images

Information and tips regarding the image handling features.

When an image is inserted by inserting an image or fig element, the anchored frame is “shrink-wrapped” to the size of the image. The relative path to the image file is added to the href attribute and the height/width in pixels is added to the height and width attributes. When an image is inserted the initial value of the placement attribute matches that specified as the default in the EDD, unless the image is auto-inserted as the result of inserting a fig element in which case the placement attribute is set to “break.” For images where the placement attribute value is “break,” the initial alignment is set to match that of the default value of the align attribute as defined in the EDD; no alignment value is set for “inline” images.

You can change the alignment after inserting the image by editing the value of the align attribute or by selecting an alignment option in the Anchored Frame dialog (Special > Anchored Frame). The height and width cannot be set through the attribute value; they can only be changed by re-importing the image using a different scaling, or by changing the properties through the Object Properties dialog. The href attribute also cannot be changed through the attribute value.

If you do not want any height/width values associated with an image, deleting those attributes in the XML or Frame document will result in the image element being written with no values for height and width which uses the “native” (default) size of the image. This is often desirable for output being generated as HTML.

If you want to use the native image size for output generated through the Open Toolkit but want to use a specific DPI for output generated from FrameMaker, add an “fmdpi:<DPI>” attribute value to the image/@otherprops attribute, where <DPI> is the DPI value. Adding this value to the otherprops attribute allows the DPI setting to round trip from XML to Frame and it will only be used by FrameMaker; other output processes will see no height and width values and will use the native image size. Adding this value to the otherprops attribute deletes any value set to the height or width attributes.

Note: If your images sizes are not round-tripping properly, your read/write rules file probably needs to be updated. Refer to the image topic for the proper rules, especially with regard to the height and width attribute definitions.