
Runs the Xref to Hyperlink command.


F_ApiCallClient("DITAFMX", "XrefToHyperlink[\tdocOrBookIdOrName]");
Id or path and file name of document or book to process. Optional, if not provided, the “active” document or book will be used.
Note: This DITA-FMx API function is only available when the “FMx-Auto” addon is installed. For information on this DITA-FMx addon, please contact Leximation.

Return Value

Failure. Unable to process the specified document or book. It is also possible that DITA-FMx is not available for calls. Verify that DITA-FMx is registered in the maker.ini file using the client name of “ditafmx”.
Success. Value returned represents the number of xrefs hyperlinked.