Performs various cleanup tasks on tables in the current file or book.
This command performs the following actions on each table in the document:
Moves all table titles into the proper location for a DITA table. (FM tables will have the title inside of the <tgroup> element, but DITA should have them as a child of table.)
Moves any table footers to the last row(s) of the table body. Sets the @outputclass of those rows to “tablefooter”.
If the General/MoveTblOutputclass parameter is set to 1 (the default), moves the tgroup/@outputclass attribute to the parent table element.
If the element associated with the table object (typically <tgroup>) is named “simpletable”, the inner structural elements of the table will be renamed to match the DITA simpletable model. The <thead> element becomes <fm-simpletablehead> and <tbody> becomes <fm-simpletablebody>. The head row(s) become <sthead>, the body row(s) become <strow>, and the cells become <stentry>.
Note that the <fm-simpletablehead> and <fm-simpletablebody> elements are not proper DITA elements but are needed within FrameMaker. The read/write rules file should unwrap these elements, and the EDD should identify them as the proper object type. The FM2DITA structured application is set up to handle this properly, but if you use another app, you’ll need to make sure it is as well.
Similar mapping is performed for <choicetable> and <properties> table elements. This mapping is performed based on the entries in the AltTableTypes section. If this section is omitted, the default processing is done. If you need to perform custom mappings, you can modify the entries in this section.
This command must be run after the EDD has been applied and after the Assign IDs to Topics command has been run.
The following images show the processing of a simpletable, before and after running the Fix Tables command.