The bulk of the FM2DITA automation happens here.
Verify that the fm2dita.ini file
is set up properly.
- Refer to the FM2DITA documentation
for details on the commands you plan to use.
- In particular, be sure to set the file name template value (TopicNameTpl
parameter) before starting this task. Once this parameter has been
set it should not be changed without starting over at this point
- If you’re not using the FM2DITA structure application, make
sure that the structure application you are using supports all of
the topic models you plan to generate. This typically means that
your app should be based on the ditabase model.
Note: Between each step or as needed, remember to save
all files.
- Open the book and all files from Task 2: Structured Conversion.
- Place focus on the book file, choose .
- This imports the template and EDD associated with
the structure application specified by the TopicAppName parameter
in the fm2dita.ini file.
- If the file naming relies on chapter numbering, set up
chapter numbering in the book.
- With focus on the book, choose
- If collisions are reported, fix the title text before
- If filenames are based on topic IDs, you’ll need to run Assign
IDs to Topics before running this command.
- Run the following FM2DITA commands on the book in the
order shown.
- Be sure to re-focus the book with each command and
watch the console for errors.
- Review the documentation to decide which commands are useful
for your processing. In general it should be fine to run a command
that isn’t needed.
- The order of the commands is important. Run commands higher
on the menu before those lower on the menu.
- Assign IDs to Topics in Book - Required
for all conversions
- Unwrap Elements in Book
- Condition to Attribute in Book
- Fix Images in Book
- Fix Tables in Book
- Fix/Flatten Cross-refs in Book
- Move Markers in Book
- Variables to Conrefs in Book
- Merge Code Lines in Book
- Tab to Spaces in Book
- Delete Invalid Attributes in Book - Typically
required to delete the Id and Idref attributes
- Delete Unstructured Markers in Book - Typically
required to delete Cross-Ref markers
- Delete Empty Elements
- Save and optionally close all files in the book.
- Place focus on book, press Shift and
- Place focus on book, press Shift and
- Optionally save the out folder to
a new name (out-2?) to make it easier to roll
back to this point in case something goes wrong.