The fm2dita.ini file defines the configuration settings
for all of the FM2DITA commands.
The fm2dita.ini file
controls many of the default settings for the FM2DITA processing.
A default version of this file should be created in one of the following
If this file exists in the same folder as the FM file or book
being processed, that INI file will be used instead of the default
file. This allows you to maintain separate INI files for each project.
- General
- TopicElems
- Space-delimited list of “topic” elements.
- Default: topic task concept reference glossentry
- Used by: Assign IDs to Topics, Fix/Flatten Cross-refs
- AttributeDisplay
- Specifies the attribute display setting applied by the Import Template and EDD command.
- Valid values: None, ReqSpec, All
- Default: ReqSpec
- Used by: Import Template and EDD
- IdPrefix
- String prefix for auto-generated IDs.
- Default: id
- Used by: Assign IDs to Topics
- IdType
- Specifies the type of auto-generated IDs. Available types are
GUID (globally unique ID) or QUID (quasi-unique ID, shorter FM-based
- Valid values: GUID, QUID
- Default: GUID
- Used by: Assign IDs to Topics
- TopicNameTpl
- Template string for generated topic file names. Should include
building blocks as well as the required file name extension (typically
“.xml” or “.dita”). Do not specify a path. For building block details,
see Topic and Map Template Building Blocks.
- Used by: Fix/Flatten Cross-refs, Check for Topic Collisions, Write Chapter Map, Write XML Topics, Write Root Map, Write Root and
Chapter Maps, Write Single Map
- MapNameTpl
- Template string for generated chapter map file names. Should
include building blocks as well as the required file name extension
(typically “.ditamap”). Do not specify a path. For building block
details, see Topic and Map Template Building Blocks.
- Used by: Write Chapter Map, Write Root and
Chapter Maps
- DeleteRelLinks
- Specifies if related-links are deleted while writing XML topics.
Valid values are 0 (don’t delete) or 1 (delete)
- Default: 1 (delete)
- Used by: Write XML Topics
- FmXrefAttr
- The xref element’s attribute to which the FM cross-ref format
is assigned (for fm-xref usage). Typical values are “type” or “outputclass”.
If set to nothing, the format name is not assigned to the xref element.
- Default: (nothing)
- Used by: Fix/Flatten Cross-refs
- TopicAppName
- Topic application name as registered in the structure application
definition file.
- Default: FM2DITA-Topic-1.1
- Used by: Variables to Conrefs, Write XML Topics
- DefaultCondToAttr
- Filtering attribute name to use for conditions not mapped in
the CondToAttrMap section of the INI file.
- Default: product
- Used by: Condition to Attribute
- CheckParentCond
- Specifies whether to apply a filtering attribute if set on element’s
parent. Valid values are 0 (don’t check parent) or 1 (check parent).
- Default: 0 (don’t check parent)
- Used by: Condition to Attribute
- StopWords
- Space-delimited list of words to exclude from topic titles when
generating file names.
- Used by: Fix/Flatten Cross-refs, Check for Topic Collisions, Write Chapter Map, Write XML Topics, Write Root Map, Write Root and
Chapter Maps, Write Single Map
- ConrefLibrary
- File name for conref library. Do not specify a path or use building
- Default: shared.xml
- Used by: Variables to Conrefs
- TabToSpaces
- Number of spaces to replace for each tab character.
- Default: 4
- Used by: Tab to Spaces
- DeleteAttrs
- Space-delimited list of attributes to delete. If empty (default),
you’ll be prompted for values.
- Default: (nothing)
- Used by: Delete Invalid Attributes
- DeleteMarkers
- Space-delimited list of unstructured markers to delete. If empty
(default), you’ll be prompted for values.
- Default: (nothing)
- Used by: Delete Unstructured Markers
- UnwrapElems
- Space-delimited list of elements to unwrap. If empty (default),
you’ll be prompted for values.
- Default: (nothing)
- Used by: Unwrap Elements
- MergeElems
- Space-delimited list of elements to merge. If empty (default),
you’ll be prompted for values.
- Default: (nothing)
- Used by: Merge Code Lines
- DeleteEmpty
- Space-delimited list of elements to delete. If empty (default),
you’ll be prompted for values.
- Default: (nothing)
- Used by: Delete Empty Elements
- MoveTblOutputclass
- Specifies whether the outputclass value is moved from the tgroup
element to the parent table element.
- Default: 1 (move outputclass value)
- Used by: Fix Tables
- TopicHeadings
- Delim
- Delimiter character used in H<n> lists.
- Default: (space)
- Used by:Topic Report
- H0, H1, H2, H3, H4
- “Delim”-delimited lists of paragraph tags used as topic headings
in the unstructured FM files. The H0 parameter is the “chapter title”,
and H1, H2, H3, H4 parameters are the headings within that chapter.
Assign the heading styles to these parameters for each that is to
become a topic. Note that this setup is not used to actually perform
the writing of XML topics, only for the Topic Report heading
count and analysis.
- Default: (none)
- Used by:Topic Report
- AltTableTypes
- Count
- Specifies the number of alternate table type entries defined
in this section.
- Valid values: Integer value
- Default: 3 (uses internal definitions for simpletable, choicetable,
and properties tables if this parameter is not defined)
- Used by: Fix Tables
- <N>
- Each sequential numeric entry (starting with “1”) defines the
structure of a table that will replace the default structure (thead,
tbody, row, entry). This entry defines the table type, followed
by the “>” character followed by a space-delimited table structure definition.
The format for this entry is as follows:
- tableType > theadReplacement theadRow theadCell(s) tbodyReplacement tbodyRow tbodyCell(s)
- tableType is the name
of the alternate table (like “simpletable”). This is followed by
the “>” character which separates it from the table structure definition.
- theadReplacement is the name of the table
head container (like “fm-simpletablehead”)
- theadRow is the name of the row element(s)
in the table head (like “sthead”)
- theadCell(s) is the name of the cell element(s)
in the table head (like “stentry”). This can specify a group of
sequential cell elements, by using the following syntax: (cell1Elem,cell2Elem,...).
No spaces are allowed in this group syntax.
- tbodyReplacement is the name of the table
body container (like “fm-simpletablebody”)
- tbodyRow is the name of the row element(s)
in the table body (like “strow”)
- tbodyCell(s) is the name of the cell element(s)
in the table body (like “stentry”). This can specify a group of
sequential cell elements, by using the following syntax: (cell1Elem,cell2Elem,...).
No spaces are allowed in this group syntax.
- Default: none (unless Count is not specified)
- Used by: Fix Tables
- MoveMarkers
- MarkerType
- Name of marker type to move.
- Default: Index
- Used by:Move Markers
- ParaTags
- Space-delimited list of paragraph elements that are allowed
to contains these markers.
- Default: p li entry
- Used by:Move Markers
- MoveTopicTitleMarkersTo
- Specifies the destination for markers found in topic titles.
If “Prolog,” markers are moved into the current topic’s prolog (created
if it doesn’t exist). If “FirstPara,” markers are moved to the first
paragraph (matching a “ParaTags” entry) that follows the title.
Note that this setting only applies to topic titles; other titles
use the setting from the MoveParaMarkersTo parameter with the exception
of BeginPara or EndPara using the next “ParaTags” element.
- Valid values: Prolog, FirstPara
- Default: Prolog
- Used by:Move Markers
- MoveParaMarkersTo
- Specifies the destination for markers found in paragraphs (basically,
anywhere other than a title). If “Prolog,” markers are moved into
the current topic’s prolog (created if it doesn’t exist). If “BeginPara,”
markers are moved to the beginning of the current paragraph, or
if “EndPara,” markers are moved to the end of the current paragraph.
- Valid values: Prolog, BeginPara, EndPara
- Default: BeginPara
- Used by:Move Markers
- RenameCondMap
- <oldname>
- Specifies the new condition name. Entering pairs of <oldname>=<newname>
in this section defines the mapping that is performed by the Rename Conditions command. If
no mapping is defined in this section, the Rename Conditions command
does nothing.
- Used by:Rename Conditions
- CondToAttrMap
- <condname>
- Specifies the filtering attribute to which the condition (<condname>)
is assigned. Entering pairs of <condname>=<attrname> in this
section defines the mapping that is performed by the Condition to Attribute command.
If no mapping is defined in this section, the conditions are assigned
to the attribute specified in the General/DefaultCondToAttr parameter.
- Used by:Condition to Attribute
- ImagePathMap
- <origpath>
- Specifies the new path to which the original path (<origpath>)
is mapped. Entering pairs of <origpath>=<newpath> in this
section defines the mapping that is performed by the Fix Images command.
If no mapping is defined, the images remain referenced at the original
location. The paths specified in this section must be the full path
to the image file name; partial paths are not mapped. Each of the
values for <origpath> and <newpath> must not be greater than
120 characters.
- Used by:Fix Images
- TagCleanup
- UseTagsFromFile
- Specifies where to get the list of character tags. If set to
“1” the tags are read from the current file, if set to “0” the list
of tags is read from the TagCleanup section (see Count and <N>
- Valid values: Integer value (0 or 1)
- Default: “0”
- Used by:Tag Cleanup
- NewCharColor
- Specifies the color applied to newly created character tags.
- Valid values: String value of a valid color name
- Default: “0”
- Used by:Tag Cleanup
- Count
- Specifies the number of character tag entries in this section.
- Valid values: Integer value
- Default: “0”
- Used by:Tag Cleanup
- <N>
- Character tag entries. One entry per tag, using sequential numeric
key values starting with “1”.
- Default: none
- Used by:Tag Cleanup
- RetagParas[-N]
- NumPasses
- Specifies the number of iterations or passes performed by the Retag Paras command. For
values greater than 1, a new RetagParas-N section must be
added.“NumPasses” is only valid in the initial RetagParas section.
- Valid values: Integer value of 1 or more
- Default: “1”
- Used by:Retag Paras
- Delim
- Specifies the character that separates the tag and prefix. The
only reason to change this from the default is if your paragraph
tags contain the “>” character This value should be a character
that does not occur in your paragraph tag names. “Delim” is only
valid in the initial RetagParas section.
- Valid values: Any single character
- Default: “>”
- Used by:Retag Paras
- Count
- Specifies the number of tag/prefix entries in this section.
If you are using multiple passes (NumPasses > 1), you must provide
the Count parameter in each section.
- Valid values: Integer value
- Default: “0”
- Used by:Retag Paras
- <N>
- Tag/prefix entries.
- Valid values: Tag and optional prefix name separated by the
Delim character. One item per tag/prefix entry, using sequential
numeric key values starting with “1”.
- Default: none
- Used by:Retag Paras
- RetagTablesInParas
- AddPostion
- Specifies that the TblFmtStr values are added as a prefix or
suffix to the current table format name.
- Valid values: “Prefix” or “Suffix”
- Default: “Prefix”
- Used by:Retag Tables in Paras
- Delim
- Specifies the delimiter character used in the TagList-<N>
- Valid values: Any single character
- Default: “ ” (space)
- Used by:Retag Tables in Paras
- Count
- Specifies the number of TagList-<N> and TagFmtStr-<N>
- Valid values: Integer value
- Default: “0”
- Used by:Retag Tables in Paras
- TagList-<N>
- List of paragraph tags separated with the “Delim” character.
One entry per table prefix/suffix.
- Valid values: Paragraph tag names.
- Default: none
- Used by:Retag Tables in Paras
- TagFmtStr-<N>
- Prefix/suffix string added to the current table format name.
- Valid values: String value.
- Default: none
- Used by:Retag Tables in Paras