AFrame to Raster

Generates raster images from anchored frames that contain multiple graphic objects.

When referencing images, the DITA model can only reference a single file; it cannot reference a collection of images or graphic objects with callouts. If your source FrameMaker files make use of anchored frames that contain multiple referenced graphics or include graphic overlay objects (callouts, arrows, boxes, etc.), you’ll need to replace those with single referenced images.

The best way to do this is to manually go through all such cases and clean them up. A common way of handling images with overlaid callouts is to replace the text callouts with numeric or character-based identifier bubbles, then add a textual legend below the graphic. This can take time, and if you don’t have the time to deal with it properly, you can use this command to generate raster images from the content in the anchored frames.

This command requires initial setup in the AFrameToRaster section of the fm2dita.ini file. The following options may be set:

Refer to the information in Editing the fm2dita.ini File for additional information on these INI parameters.

This command must be run before applying the conversion table.