Updating the Structure Applications

In general, the structure applications that are provided with DITA-FMx (or those that you’ve customized) will work properly with XDocsFMx. However, there is one element definition in the typical Topic structure application that needs minor refinement and the import XSLT script in the Book application needs to be updated. Sample Topic and Book applications are provided as well as instructions for modifying your existing apps.

The image element definition in the Topic application will typically include the following context rule:

Initial graphic element format 
    In all contexts. 
        Insert imported graphic file.

This rule tells FrameMaker to display a file dialog for selecting an image file to insert into the image element. If you’re working on the local file system, this is useful, but when you are using XDocs, you should be browsing the repository for image files.

In order to prevent the local file dialog from displaying, and to allow the repository browser to display, you should remove this context rule from the image element definition. This only affects the Topic app, the standard Map and Book apps do not need to be modified in any way.

You may want to clone your Topic app (be sure to go through the complete app cloning process as described in the DITA-FMx documentation) to create one that’s used when working with files in XDocs and one that’s used for working with files on your local file system. A sample Topic app is provided in the XDocsFMx installation folder.

A sample Book application is also provided. This structured application is identical to the default DITA-FMx Book app other than the import XSLT script. This script has been modified to prepend the cache root path to all @href values to allow the paths to properly resolve on the local file system. Note that this Book application will not work properly with files that were not extracted from XDocs.

The following steps describe the installation of the structure applications provided with XDocsFMx (this is identical to the process used to install the DITA-FMx structure applications, with the exception of the file and application name). The Map application is identical to the default DITA-FMx Map application, while the Topic and Book applications have been modified as described above.

  1. (Optional) Make a backup copy of your current structure application definitions file (typically found at FrameMaker\Structure\structapps.fm for FM8, or <user appdata>\Adobe\FrameMaker\9 for FM9). Store this file in a safe location before making modifications.

  2. Extract the contents of the XDocsFMx_apps.zip file to the FrameMaker\Structure\xml folder. This will create a folder named DITA-XDFMx that contains folders named Book, dtd, Map, and Topic. These folders contains the three structure application as well as the DITA 1.1 DTD files used by the applications.

  3. Start FrameMaker and open the structure application definitions file (Structure Tools > Edit Application Definitions).

  4. In the structure application definitions file place the insertion point just after the Version element.

  5. Choose File > Import > File, then navigate to the structapps-stub_topic_1.1.fm file in the DITA-XDFMx\Topic folder created in step 2. Select the Import by Reference option and choose the Import button. In the next dialog accept the defaults and choose Import.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the “structapps-stub” files in the DITA-XDFMx\Map and DITA-XDFMx\Book folders.

  7. Save the file, then choose Structure Tools > Read Application Definitions.

  8. Close the file and exit FrameMaker.

  9. Restart FrameMaker and run the DITA-FMx > Options command and select DITA-XDFMx-Topic-1.1 for the DITA Topic Application, DITA-XDFMx-Map-1.1 for the DITA Map Application, and DITA-XDFMx-Book-1.1 for the DITA Book Application.

Note: If your folder structure is non-standard, you may need to modify the paths specified in the “structapps-stub” files to match the file paths on your system. To do this, just open the structure application definitions file and double-click each application’s text inset. In the dialog that displays, choose the Open Source button and make the changes in the “stub” file. When you have finished editing the stub file, save and close that file, then double-click the text inset again and choose the Update Now button.