DITA-FMx User Guide

External Application Settings

Specifies the path and filename of applications called from DITA-FMx as well as any options passed to those applications.

The External Application Settings dialog allows you to specify the location of the associated application and any command line syntax or parameters. All paths entered into this dialog must use the slash as the directory delimiter.

Figure 1. DITA-FMx External Application Settings dialog box

Specifies the main DITA-OT (DITA Open Toolkit) directory and the DITA-OT environment setup file. (Required in order to use the Generate Output command.)
Specifies the command line syntax that is used to create the archive. Before creating the archive, a list of files is generated from the current file and all referenced files (as well as the archive baggage file described in the Create Archive topic). This file is written to the DITA-FMx installation folder as ~tmpzipfiles.txt. The archive generated is named <filename>_zip.zip, where <filename> is the root file name of the current file when the Create Archive command is used. For example, if the archive is created from the project_a.ditamap file, the archive created will be named project_a_zip.zip.
There are three variables that can be used in this field, %ZIPLISTFILE%, %ZIPFILE%, and %CURDIR%. The string “%ZIPLISTFILE%” is replaced with the path and filename of the list of files to archive. The string “%ZIPFILE%” is replaced with the path and file name of the archive file name. The string “%CURDIR%” is replaced with the path to the current file.
This command line is included in a batch file created in the DITA-FMx installation folder as the file ~tmpzip.bat. before the command line is executed, the current directory is set to the DITA-FMx installation folder. Any commands you place in this field should be designed to run from that folder.
The default command line syntax is the following.
more %ZIPLISTFILE% | ditafmx-zip.exe -@ %ZIPFILE%
This command syntax passes the content of the archive file list (%ZIPLISTFILE%) to the ditafmx-zip utility (the -@ option tells the utility to read from “stdin”). It then generates the archive file specified by the %ZIPFILE% variable.
Note: If the archive is not created, verify that the Command Line Syntax value in the DITA Options: External Applications dialog is valid. Deleting this value will reset it to the default value. You can test by running the ~tmpzip.bat batch file in the DITA-FMx installation folder (run this from a command shell to see any errors that may display).
Ditaval Manager
This feature is not currently enabled.