Installing the Structure Applications

It is important to install the DITA-FMx structure applications to take full advantage of the features provided.

In order for FrameMaker to properly import and export DITA files, you must have structure applications that support the authoring of topic and map files. DITA-FMx provides both of these applications as well as a structure application for book processing. If you want to customize the appearance of the templates or change the elements supported (adding through specialization or removing unwanted elements), you should clone the provided structure application folders and modify the cloned versions.

FM7.2 OnlyIf you are upgrading from the FM7.2 DITA Application Pack, and want to continue using those structure applications (or your customized version), you’ll need to edit the “stub” files for those applications and change the “Use API Clients” element so it references the client “ditafmx_app” instead of “ditafm_app.” Or, if you want to use the new structure application that are provided with DITA-FMx, you may want to delete the old ones to eliminate possible confusion. The steps below refer to the Structure Tools menu, in FM7.2, this is on the File menu ( File > Structure Tools).

As of DITA-FMx 1.1.14, the structure application installation process has been automated. After installing DITA-FMx, when you run FrameMaker you should see a message asking to install the default structure applications. Unless you’re doing something unusual, you should choose Yes to this message. To manually install the structure applications or if you’d like to understand what this automated process is doing, read the topic titled Manual Installation of the Structure Applications.

After the structure applications have been installed, you may want to take a look at the structure application definitions so you will better understand how they work. Just choose Structure Tools > Edit Application Definitions to open the structure application definitions file ( You should see the three DITA-FMx structure application definitions at the top of the file. These are added as text insets to make it easier to manage. If you need to modify these entries, you’ll ned to open the source file by double-clicking the inset and choosing the Open button. When you’re done reviewing the structure application definitions file, just close the file. You’ll be prompted to save when closing. Unless you’ve made intentional changes, there is no need to save.