DITA-FMx Specific Book Application Elements

The Book structure application includes a number of special (non-DITA) elements that are needed for proper rendering of certain features.

The Book application is essentially identical to the Topic application except that it has additional elements that are used to isolate the separate pieces that are part of the book. The Book application also makes use of special fm-* elements for proper rendering of various features. Without these fm-* elements, it’s likely that your book build will fail.

Generated book elements

These elements are used in the structure of the generated book file. All are required.


The root element of the generated book file. Also represents the root DITA map used to create the book. The href attribute defines the path and name of the source ditamap file. Additional attributes may be added from map metadata for use as variables or by element definition context rules.


Used as a container for generated book components. This wraps any generated files that are added by the book-build process, or you can add this for any generated files you add manually.

Generated file (chapter) elements

These elements are used to support various features in generated file or chapter components. Only the fm-ditafile element is required; the rest are used if your source topics include elements that make use of those features.


Identifies each DITA topic file. The href attribute defines the path and name of the source topic file. The maptype attribute contains the name of the element that referenced this topic file in the original ditamap. This is used by the book-build process to identify specific book components to automatically apply templates as well as numbering and pagination properties.


Allows for properly formatted table titles in generated FrameMaker files. The Book application must have the fm-tabletitle element defined and valid as a child of the tgroup element.


Supports fm-xref references to “moved” figure titles in generated FrameMaker files. The Book application must have the fm-figuretitle element defined and valid as the last child of the fig element. If this element is not defined, the “move figure titles” book-build option will use the default title element, but in order to support cross-references to figure titles that are moved, this element must be defined and have its id attribute’s type set to “UniqueID.”


Supports content in a desc element that is “moved” with figure titles in generated FrameMaker files. The Book application must have the fm-figuredesc element defined and valid as the last child of the fig element. If this element is not defined, the “move figure titles” book-build option will create this element.


If “hazard to table” processing is enabled in the book-build INI file (the default), the hazardstatement element model is wrapped in a special hazard table structure. The fm-hazardtable element is the container for this hazard table.

Compare to the table element. The attributes from the hazardstatement element are copied to this element and the hazardstatement element is deleted. The general rules for all elements that contain the hazardstatement element must be updated to also support the fm-hazardtable element.


Compare to the tgroup element.

The default element definition in the Book EDD inserts a table format named “Hazard.” If you want all of your hazard tables to use the same style, you can leave this table format as it is. But if you’d like different styles for each hazard statement type, you can modify the EDD to insert a different table format based on the fm-hazardtable/@type attribute.


Compare to the thead element. (Defined in the Book EDD, but not currently used.)


Compare to the tbody element.


Compare to the row element.


Compare to the entry element.


Provides a heading label for the hazard table.


Wraps the hazardsymbol element that is inserted into the first column of the hazard table. Also, inserted into the first column even if there is no hazardsymbol element (can be used to control formatting or insertion of a reference image).

Modified elements

Other than the special fm-* elements that are unique to the Book application, the following element definitions vary from those in the Topic application:


The context rule level numbering differs to allow for an additional level of “chapter titles.”


Includes the title and fm-figuretitle elements as optional elements at the end of the general rule. This is required by the “Move fig/title to end of fig element” Book Build option.


Includes the fm-tabletitle element in the general rule. This is required by the “Move table/title to table/tgroup/title” Book Build option.


Context rule checks the type attribute of the fm-hazardtable element instead of the hazardstatement element.