The formatting provided by the default DITA-FMx structure applications is sufficient for producing nice looking PDFs, but it’s common that each user will want to customize the formatting to adhere to house styles. Where to start and what to do can be a challenge.
DITA-FMx uses three structure application types, Topic, Map, and Book. The Topic application is used for authoring topics, the Map application is used for authoring maps, and the Book application is used for publishing.
Assuming that you need to customize the appearance of the published content, you’ll need to modify the Book application. If your changes are minor (fonts, headers, footers, etc.), you may be able to just modify the Book template, but if you need to make more substantive changes, you’ll need to modify the EDD as well. Remember that if you do make changes to the EDD, you must import the modified EDD into the template.
One of the core concepts of DITA (XML in general) is that you’re authoring content that may be published to various types of output formats. Because of this it doesn’t typically make sense to author in a WYSIWYG view, and if you were authoring in a view that resembled one of the output formats, you may spend time crafting the content for that output type rather than authoring in an output-agnostic mind-set.
If it is important that your authoring view matches that of the “print” (PDF) output, you can set up the Topic template to mirror the formatting in your Book template, but typically, you can just use the default Topic application in its default state.
There’s typically no need to make any modifications to the Map application since it (like the Topic app) is just used for authoring, and has no effect on the appearance of the published documents.
The one time that you will need to modify the Topic and Map applications is if you’re creating or modifying the data model itself by either adding or removing elements. If you do decide to modify the data model, be sure to do that in a way that doesn’t “break” DITA. While a modified model may work fine for your needs, if you’ve done it in a way that’s not valid (for DITA), your files may not work in other tools that support DITA (because you no longer have DITA-compliant files).
In the default DITA-FMx structure applications, the Topic and Book EDDs share common element definitions using text insets (in the DITA-FMx_1.2\common folder). While this does make it a bit more complicated to make edits, it ensures that the two models remain in sync.
The text inset source files are named based on the DITA domain for the elements. If you’re not sure where an element definition can be found, you have two options:
Open the Topic or Book EDD, scroll to locate the element definition (can’t search on text of an inset), then double-click the inset and choose “Open” in the Text Inset Properties dialog.
Open the file in the common folder, then use the Find command to search for text in the book components. This book file is just provided as a tool to locating content in the insets.
After modifying an element definition in the inset source file, save the file and return to the main Topic EDD, then scroll to the inset location in the EDD and double-click the inset. In the Text Inset Properties dialog choose “Update Now.” Updating text insets in a large EDD can take some time, so don’t be alarmed when you have to wait for a bit (possibly a minute or two) before the inset has been updated.
Some of the element definitions in the shared insets have conditional tagging applied which hides/shows certain context rules or general rules in the respective Topic or Book EDDs. The shared files have all conditions visible, and the Topic and Book EDDs have the hide/show properties set properly. If you change the hide/show settings in the EDDs, it may take considerable time for the change to take effect (more than 5 minutes is not unexpected). It’s best to leave the conditional settings alone in these files.
You may also run into the use of variables within an EDD. This is often used to change the text of a general rule for use in different EDDs. The variable definition in the “container” EDD will change the value of the variable in the inset EDD. Pay careful attention to this when making edits.
The template file defines the named styles and formats, as well as the overall page layout for a component (FM chapter file). The EDD declares element definitions, which includes the element type, general rule, attribute definitions, and context rules.
The context rules allow you to specify the formatting that is applied to the element under different situations. These situations (contexts) may be based on things like the “level” of the element (how deeply nested it is), the type of ancestor elements, the position within the parent element, or attributes assigned to the current or ancestor elements. When a context is matched the rule can assign a named style (defined in the template) or it can directly set any property available through the FrameMaker user interface (well, almost any property), or both.
This means that you can apply formatting through named styles in the template (based on context rules in the EDD), or by directly assigning the properties in the EDD. In most cases (as is the case in the default DITA-FMx apps) you’ll do some of both. While this isn’t really the best situation for ease of maintenance, you’ll find that it’s just easier to implement.
This “mixed model” can be the cause of some confusion when trying to modify an existing structure application. You’ll want to change the text that displays when you insert an element (like the text “Task” when you insert a steps element in a task). In order to determine where that text is defined you have to do some digging. It may be part of an Autonumber Format in the paragraph style (in the template or EDD), it may be defined as a prefix (in the EDD), or it may be included in a reference frame (defined in the template, but possibly assigned in the EDD).
This is just part of the “joy” that is structure application development. It’s not hard once you understand what’s going on, but it can take some time to get to that point, especially when working on a structure application developed by someone else.
Don’t forget that you can ask questions from the “community”! If you can’t figure out where something is defined, email the dita-fmx-users Yahoo group for help.
While you can make use of multiple “Topic” structure applications for authoring (if using the “doctype/application mapping” feature), all publishing for a single deliverable must be done using a single Book structure application. Because it’s possible that you’re combining multiple topic types into a single FM chapter file, the Book application needs to be designed to support all of those topic types in a single model.
While this may sound complicated, it’s simplified by the fact that this “Book” model doesn’t need to strictly adhere to the DITA model. It is intended as an output format, and not to be round-tripped back to DITA XML. In the extreme sense, you could make a Book EDD where all of the general rules are “<ANY>” (meaning that anything is valid). Remember that because this is an output model, you don’t need to worry about validation. You just need to determine the complete set of topic models that will be used in your book, and add all of those element definitions to the EDD.
The fmx-book_1.2.dtd (the DTD associated with the Book application) is created by saving the Book EDD to a DTD ( ).