
To support the image/alt element the value of the alt element is stored in the anchored frame’s “object attribute” while open in FrameMaker. Select the anchored frame, then choose Graphics > Object Properties, then Object Attributes. The alt value is stored in the “Alternate” field. The EDD should define the image element as a “Graphic,” which doesn’t allow for a general rule (hence no support for the alt and longdescref child elements in FrameMaker).

To support the proper sizing and placement of image elements, add the following to the “image” rule in both Topic and Book apps:

element "image" 
  is fm graphic element; 
  fm property import by reference or copy value is "ref"; 
  writer facet default 
    specify size in pt; 
  attribute "href" 
     is fm attribute "href"; 
     is fm property file; 
  attribute "align" 
    is fm property alignment; 
    value "left" is fm property value align left; 
    value "right" is fm property value align right; 
    value "center" is fm property value align center; 
    value "current" is fm property value align center; 
  attribute "height" 
    is fm property height; 
    is fm attribute; 
  attribute "width" 
    is fm property width; 
    is fm attribute; 