With the FM13.0.1 update, the default XSLT processor changed to SAXON. This requires some extra work when setting up the Book structure application for installations on FM12 and earlier.
The DITA-FMx Book structure application makes use of an XSLT import script (bookmap2fmbook.xsl) to aggregate the topic files in the map. There are two versions of this XSLT script, one that requires the XALAN processor and one that requires SAXON. Because the default XSLT processor since FM 2015 is SAXON, that’s the version that is set up as the default.
If you’re installing DITA-FMx on FM12 or earlier, you’ll need to copy the XALAN version of this script over the default XSLT file because XALAN is the default XSLT processor on those versions of FrameMaker.
It is possible to switch the default XSLT processor on FM12 or FM11 to SAXON, so you may want to do that instead of using the XALAN version of the script. Also, it is possible to change the default processor to XALAN on FM 2015 and later.
To change the default XSLT processor on FM11 and later:
Open the maker.ini file in a text editor and locate the XSLTProcessors section.
Move the “, Default” parameter (the word “Default” and the leading comma) to the line that specifies the processor type you want to be the default.
Save and close the maker.ini file then restart FrameMaker.
Once you’ve set the default XSLT processor, locate the Book structure application folder, and you should see three similarly named XSLT files:
Delete the bookmap2fmbook.xsl file, then copy the XSLT file that indicates the processor you want to use (SAXON or XALAN), to the file name bookmap2fmbook.xsl. Using this technique, you can switch from SAXON to XALAN as needed.
If you have a custom structure application, you’ll need to make sure it’s using the proper XSLT file for the default XSLT processor.