Creates a ZIP archive of the current file and all referenced files.
The Create Archive command uses the command line syntax specified in the Archive field of the DITA Options: External Applications dialog to create a ZIP archive of all files referenced by the current file or map. This is an ideal way to create an archive of a project at a given point in time or makes it easy to package up a project to hand off to others.
When the command completes, a dialog displays the name of the archive file created. The archive generated is named <filename>, where <filename> is the root file name of the current file when the Create Archive command is used. For example, if the archive is created from the project_a.ditamap file, the archive created will be named
If you’d like to include additional files in the archive that are not specifically referenced (such as ditaval files), you can create an “archive baggage” file. When the Create Archive command runs, it checks in the folder of the current file for a file named <filename>-archive.txt and if this file is found, it includes the files listed in the new archive. For example, if the archive is created from the project_a.ditamap file, the command checks for a file named project_a-archive.txt. This TXT file should list each baggage file on a separate line. The file names are assumed to be relative to the current folder.
By default DITA-FMx uses an open source archive utility called “Info-ZIP.” The default file name of this utility has been renamed to ditafmx-zip.exe and is installed to the DITA-FMx installation folder (in the Program Files area). You can specify an alternate archive utility or use different command line options, by changing the command line syntax in the DITA Options: External Applications dialog.