Enable and specify the content for automatically inserted prolog data in topics and maps.
If enabled, the auto-prolog options automatically insert and update basic data in a topic’s prolog or a map’s topicmeta or bookmeta. There are two types of options, one for data that is added on file creation and another for data that is added/updated on file save. Each option can be enabled independently.
Each option provides a text field where you can enter plain text and special building blocks (similar to those used for new file names, but limited in scope). The building blocks that are appropriate for this use are listed below.
The building blocks that are appropriate these fields are listed below (for details on the syntax, see Use of building blocks).
<$FM_USER> - from maker.ini RegInfo/User
<$FM_COMPANY> - from maker.ini RegInfo/Company
<$FMX_USERNAME> - from ditafmx.ini Registration/Username
<$FMX_FULLNAME> - from ditafmx.ini Registration/FullName
<$OS_USERNAME> - %username% environment variable
<$OS_COMPUTERNAME> - %computername% environment variable
<$T_YYYY> - 4 digit year
<$T_YY> - 2 digit year
<$T_MM> - 2 digit month (zero padded)
<$T_MON> - 3 character month
<$T_MONTH> - full month name
<$T_D> - 1 or 2 digit date
<$T_DD> - 2 digit date (zero padded)
<$T_HOUR> - 2 digit hour (zero padded)
<$T_MIN> - 2 digit minute (zero padded)
<$T_SEC> - 2 digit second (zero padded)