FM2DITA is a FrameMaker plugin that provides numerous tools and utilities that assist in the process of converting unstructured FrameMaker files to DITA XML.
This plugin supports FrameMaker versions 7.2, 8, 9, 10, and 11.
Documentation updated on 2013-08-04 for version 1.00.
FM2DITA continues to be under development; the plugin and documentation will be updated over time. Check for updates to get the latest!
FM2DITA provides the following types of automation:
Tools for analyzing existing content such as counting topics in a book, as well as generating reports of style, object, and conditional text usage
Preconversion tools for cleaning up, retagging, and renaming objects in the unstructured FM files
Processing of structured FM binary files to assist with cleanup and refactoring into proper DITA structures (see the list of commands for details)
Breaks each FM file into multiple DITA XML topics, and generates root and chapter maps preserving the hierarchy that exists in the unstructured files
Contact us at <tools AT leximation DOT com>.