There is no Uninstall application provided for FMx-Auto. Because only a few files are installed and the registry is not modified, it’s easiest to just perform this uninstallation manually.
To disable the FMx-Auto plugin without removing any files:
Comment out the “fmxauto” entry in the APIClients section of your maker.ini file in the main FrameMaker folder (just add a semicolon at the start of this line).
When you restart FrameMaker, this plugin will no longer be active.
To remove FMx-Auto from your FrameMaker installation:
Locate the “fmxauto” entry in the APIClients section of your maker.ini file in the main FrameMaker folder.
Delete this line from the INI file, then save and close that file.
Delete the fmx-auto*.* and fmxauto*.*files from the DITA-FMx-2 folder located in the main FrameMaker folder (and possibly from your “AppData” folder if using Windows Vista, 7, or 8).