Tips for migrating from default FrameMaker DITA to DITA-FMx.
In general, there should be minimal effort required to migrate from the default DITA support in FrameMaker (FM-DITA) to DITA-FMx. Because both DITA authoring environments create valid DITA files, you can open and edit files created by the other environment just as you can open and edit files created in different authoring tools such as XMetaL or Oxygen.
If you’ve customized the default FrameMaker DITA structure applications and want to continue using those customizations in DITA-FMx, there may be some work required to migrate the apps since DITA-FMx provides features that do not exist in FM-DITA. For a complete listing and description of the DITA-FMx structure application requirements, refer to the DITA-FMx Specific Element Definitions topic.
If you want to just “give it a try” to see what breaks, that’s fine (you’re not going to hurt anything). The only thing that’s absolutely required is that you change the “Use API Client” node in the application definition so it uses the “ditafmx_app” client name instead of “ditafm_app.” You’ll need to do this for any structure application that you want to use with DITA-FMx. (If you try to use these apps without changing the UseApiClient node, you will get the following error message when opening a DITA file: “Translator client (ditafm_app) was not found.”) Once this is done, change the application names in the DITA Options dialog, and give it a whirl.
If you’re migrating from an earlier version of FM-DITA, which may support DITA 1.0 or 1.1, keep in mind that because DITA-FMx 2.0 supports DITA 1.2, there will be significant differences in the EDDs. You can continue to use older DITA apps in DITA-FMx 2.0 as long as you provide certain element definitions (described below).
One significant difference between FM-DITA and DITA-FMx (since FM8) is that DITA-FMx relies on a separate “Book” structure application for publishing. The “Topic” application is for authoring topics, the “Map” application is for authoring maps, and the “Book” application is for publishing. While this does add a bit more effort to maintain one more structure application, it provides far greater control over your publishing process. Also keep in mind that while you may be tempted to do so, there’s really no reason to customize the “Map” or “Topic” apps (unless you’re adding specialized elements). You shouldn’t need to see the published view of the content while authoring, so you really just need to customize the Book app to align with your publishing styles.
The following items are significant migration points, refer to the DITA-FMx Specific Element Definitions topic for a complete list of elements specific to DITA-FMx.