Using the Reference Manager
Lets you select a conref, xref, or link target by specifying the file, element type, and element.
Filtering Content
Tips for filtering and conditionalizing content in topic files or maps.
Working with Images
Information and tips regarding the image handling features.
Working with Tables
DITA provides tables for many situations. Learn how to make them look the way you want.
Working with Hazard Statements
The hazardstatement element model can be very useful for certain documentation types, but authoring and publishing in a consistent manner can be tricky.
Working with Indexterms
Special issues regarding the creation of index entries (indexterm and fm-indexterm elements).
Working with Maps
General information on creating maps and bookmaps, and how they work in FrameMaker.
Using Keyspaces in DITA-FMx
In DITA-FMx, a keyspace consists of all keys defined in a root map and all submaps, optionally filtered by an associated ditaval file.
Working with Keys
Keys can provide a huge benefit but also create great complications. Here are some tips that may help to reduce some of the latter.
Working with Glossaries
Providing a glossary can significantly enhance most any documentation set.
Using coderefs
The coderef element lets you directly reference a text file in your documentation.
Setting up Book Builds (PDF)
Issues and options regarding the generation of a FrameMaker book file from a DITA map or bookmap.