Extending DITA-FMx

Provides methods for controlling DITA-FMx from other applications.

DITA-FMx 1.0 provides a limited set of “CallClient” function calls. These functions can be used by other FDK plugin clients as well as by FrameScript and FrameAC.

A typical syntax statement shows the call from an FDK client using the F_ApiCallClient() function. A similar call can be made from FrameScript using the CallClient function. In either situation the the case of the parameters passed to these functions is not important.

All calls require the DITA-FMx client name (“ditafmx”) and a call client function name. Some calls may have additional (required or optional) parameters. When additional parameters are provided, they are passed as a single space delimited string. For example, the FixBookRefs call can make use of the bookId. To pass the bookId (an integer value) convert it to a string and concatenate that string to the initial parameter. For example, if the bookId is 3489237, the FDK call would be as follows:

F_ApiCallClient("ditafmx", "FixbookRefs 3489237");

If you would like to have access to specific DITA-FMx functionality that is not currently exposed, please let us know.