Additional settings that must be manually set in the INI file.
The following INI parameters can only be changed by manually editing the MarkerTools.ini file.
Use \! (a backslash followed by an exclamation mark) for Esc, ^ (caret) for Control, + (plus) for Shift, and ~ (tilde) for Alt. Note that some system-defined shortcuts may override those that you are trying to use. See the "Customizing FrameMaker" documentation for more information on adding shortcut key sequences. For example, the INI code below enables the following additional shortcuts: Esc, Shift+Z, Shift+Z for MarkerEdit; Ctrl+z, Ctrl+z for MarkerSearch; and Ctrl+Alt+z for MarkerExpand.
[CustomMenuShortcuts] Enabled=1 MarkerEdit=\!ZZ MarkerSearch=^z^z MarkerExpand=^~z