The following items are known limitations of this tool:
High-ASCII characters cannot be edited/added directly in the INI file using an external text editor. As long as you use the dialog box to enter these characters, they will work properly. After entering them in a dialog box, they will appear incorrect or corrupted in the INI file, but they will work correctly. (This is a FrameMaker bug, and will hopefully be corrected in a future release.)
You cannot undo (Ctrl+Z) after creating, deleting, or modifying a marker with the Marker Edit dialog.
The Marker Edit dialog does not allow you to select more than 99,999 markers at one time.
When using the Clone, New, or Del buttons in the Marker Edit dialog, if your selection consists of a partial table selection (rows or cells, but not the whole table) and the table is not "regular" (some cells span multiple columns or rows), the resulting selection may not match remain as it was when you started.
Although you can use the Marker Edit dialog to view the content of markers in text insets, you cannot search on those markers