1.1.16 - 1 December 2012
- Updates to the BookTemplatesDir
parameter in the book-build INI file
- You can now use the $STRUCTDIR variable in the BookTemplatesDir
parameter to specify a path in the FrameMaker Structure directory.
- The path specified in the BookTemplatesDir parameter is now
always relative to the generated book file. Previously, when the
default book-build INI file was used (the one in the DITA-FMx folder),
the path was relative to the INI file. Now it’s consistent.
- Added support for alternate default image placement
- When opening a file that contains image elements with no @placement
value, the default was to set those to @placement=’break’ (even
though the default value for @placement is ‘inline’). Now you can
set the ditafmx.ini parameter INIOnly/ImagePlacement
to control this for your needs. Valid values are: 0 = use EDD default;
1 = set to ‘inline’; 2 = set to ‘break’ (the default).
Application Updates
- Book XSLT (expandOrig.xsl)
- Support for topicref/@print=’no’ was added to expandOrig.xsl.
Bug Fixes / Minor Updates
- Whitespace normalization has
been updated
- If the option is enabled, whitespace normalization is performed
when files are opened. There were times when this didn’t work properly
for some types of pretty-printed files. Now, the following processing
is applied: multiple whitespace characters are collapsed into a
single whitespace, and all leading and trailing whitespace is removed
from each element (unless it is defined as a “preformatted” element).
- DITA-FMx commands are now available in the FM11 Author
- FM11 adds Code View and Author View options. The DITA-FMx commands
are now available in Author View.
- Fixes to the DITA-OT build process including support
for OT 1.6.x
- The ditafmx-ant.xml file has been updated to support changes
made in OT 1.6. Also fixes an error introduced in 1.1.15 to add
support for EPUB output through the DITA4Publishers plugin. If the
D4P plugin was not installed, the build process would fail. These
problems have been addressed.
- See-also indexterms round-trip properly
- See-also indexterm elements that wrap to another line in the
XML would generate an extra nesting level after reopening the file.
This no longer happens.
- Support for topicref/@print=’no’ is working again
- This support was added in 1.1.11, but then lost in 1.1.12 when
the XSLTs were updated. Code to support this filtering has been
added to the expandOrig.xsl file.
- Topicrefs that include a ‘topicid’ reference no longer
cause problems in xrefs
- Previously a topicref/@href that included the topicid value
(as in “filename.xml#topicid”) could, under certain situations result
in a non-functioning xref to that topic. This type of @href value
is no longer a problem.
- Xrefs that include a prefix or suffix are no longer
deleted on file open
- If an xref element definition specifies a prefix or suffix,
that element will properly render on file open and in book-builds.
- Running the Apply Ditaval as Conditions command on
a book file, works
- Previously, running the Apply Ditaval as Conditions command
on a book file didn’t not actually apply the conditions. It does
- New conditions created by the Apply Ditaval as Conditions
command are no longer colored red
- Previously, when the Apply Ditaval as Conditions command created
a new condition (because it didn’t exist), it was colored red. This
doesn’t seem to serve any useful purpose, and now no longer happens.
- Use an element template when creating a new file on
Windows 7 or Vista
- The element template feature now works properly on Windows 7
or Vista.
- Replacing an existing image updates the @href attribute
- You can now select an existing image and use to
replace that image without deleting and reinserting the image element.
- Create Archive command now creates a properly named
archive file
- As of DITA-FMx 1.1.15 the Create Archive command started creating
an archive file with “more” at the end of the filename, and incorrectly
included a list of files in the archive. The archive is now created
- Missing “gentpl” files no longer cause a book-build
- If the BookTemplatesDir parameter in the book-build INI file
wasn't referencing a valid location that contained the necessary
“gentpl” templates for a bookmap that you’re trying to build, the
Generate Book from Map command would crash. This no longer happens.
- Reset Status command now offers a cancel option
- The Reset Status dialog can be dismissed without actually resetting
the status attribute values.