1.1.08 (1.1 release) - 20 October 2009
New Features
- New commands
- Added the Reference Report command. Generates
a report of all resolved or unresolved references in the current
map or file as well as any references in referenced files.
- Added the Create Archive command to generate
a ZIP archive of the current file and all referenced files.
- Added the Flatten Conrefs command to
unlock conrefs in FM files.
- Added the Reset Status command to remove
the status attribute values.
- Updated support for indexterm elements
- The index-see, index-see-also, and index-sort-as elements properly
convert to FM marker syntax on import and export back to DITA elements
on file save. A subdialog has been added to the Options dialog that
allows you to customize the formatting on the imported marker syntax.
- The indexterm elements now import as fm-indexterm elements.
If you have complex indexterm elements that contain child elements
other than indexterm, index-see, index-see-also, and index-sort-as,
you can disable the indexterm to fm-indexterm conversion (in Options)
in order to preserve the native DITA structure.
- Support for graphic overlay objects
in anchored frames
- Textual callouts and graphic objects within
an anchored frame will now round-trip from FrameMaker to DITA and
back. The data to define these objects is stored in the DITA data
- Reference Manager dialog allows
browsing for files on disk
- The Reference Manager dialog now allows you to
browse files on disk in addition to those currently open in FrameMaker.
You can add multiple folders to the “File Location” list to locate
elements to reference (for xrefs, links, and conrefs).
- Also, instead of showing all possible elements
the Reference Manager dialog only shows those elements that have
id attributes in the target file.
- Support for multiple marker types
- The fm-data-marker element is a special element that is available
only within FrameMaker; it is converted into a regular data element
on save to DITA. When inserting an fm-data-marker element it inserts
as a marker of any type that you specify. On save to DITA, the datatype
attribute is set to “fm:marker,” the name attribute is set to the
marker name, and the value attribute is set to the marker text.
When you reopen this DITA file, data elements with a datatype of
“fm:marker” will convert into markers of type fm-data-marker. A
data element whose datatype attribute is not “fm:marker” will import
into FrameMaker as a standard container element type.
- Support for optional columns in properties tables
- According to the DITA specification, a properties table can
have one, two, or three columns. In order to support a varying number
of columns in a simpletable-based table, the Element Mapping dialog
was added to the Options dialog.
- Added support for bookmap elements
- The map authoring interface provides support for the topic reference
elements (topicref, chapter, appendix, etc.). When inserting a topicref-based
element that contains an href attribute, you are prompted to specify
a target filename.
- Enhanced map to book processing
- The Generate Book from Map command handles
conversion of a bookmap into an FM book in a similar way to the
conversion of a map. All “top-level” topic references are converted
into an FM file, and any child topicrefs are appended to that file.
Any topic references within a frontmatter or backmatter wrapper
element are considered “top-level” topic references and become FM
files. Additionally, if your bookmap uses a part element to organize
chapters, the file referenced by the part will become a separate
FM file, and each chapter will be considered a top-level topic reference
and will be added to the book after the generated part file.
- Provide the ability to include FM binary files in the generated
book. This allows you to create a book that includes both DITA files
as well as unstructured FM files. Particularly useful for including
a well designed title page but could be useful for other purposes
as well.
- Numerous options are available that affect
processes run on the generated book. This includes adding related-links
from reltables, and moving the fig/title to the end of the fig element
(among numerous other options).
- Faster reference resolving
- Instead of needing to open each referenced DITA file in FrameMaker
to resolve any nested references, this reference resolving is done
“on disk” before the file is opened, and only the appropriate files
are opened and resolved as needed. This results in much faster file
opening times for files that make heavy use of references. For example,
one small file that previously took 11 seconds to open, now takes
4 seconds.
- Better Whitespace Normalization
- This update now handles whitespace cleanup better than before.
If you are working on a multi-editor environment, you should no
longer see “<WHITESPACE>” nodes or extra spaces where they aren’t
- Updated Set Attributes command
- The Set Attributes command now allows specification of predefined
values for attributes of the “String” type. If values are specified
in the filtering-groups.ini file for a “String” attribute, those
values will display in a scrolling list.
- XDocs 2.0 integration
- Developed the XDocsFMx connector to provide a seamless document
management, authoring, and publishing environment.
- New options
- Added Use doctype/application mapping option
to support the use of topic-based DTDs (and structure applicaitons)
instead of the combined model provided by the ditabase DTD. (You’ll
need to create your own structure applications to support the topic-based
DTDs, DITA-FMx only provides the ditabase-based app.)
- You can now specify that IDs are generated as a GUID (globally
unique id) or a QUID (quasi unique id, the previous shorter and
most always unique value).
- Added Auto smart-quotes similar in function
to the Auto smart-spaces option.
- Added Use fmdpi for New Images option.
Automatically sets the “fmdpi” value to the DPI selected when inserting
an image.
- Added the Conditionalize data and data-about option.
This allows you to hide or flag data and data-about elements if
- Added indexterm to fm-indexterm option
to enable/disable the round-tripping of DITA-based indexterm elements
into FM-based markers and syntax. (This option is enabled by default.)
- DITA-OT environment setup parameter is now set via the DITA
Options: External Apps dialog.
- Added handling for simpletable tables with
multiple cell element names (specifically properties table). See
Element Mapping dialog in DITA Options
- Added an Index Options dialog for control
of the import and export of index-see and index-see-also elements.
- Added the Book Builds dialog
to define the automated processes that are run on a newly generated
FM book file.
- Moved Wrap in dita element option to
the New DITA File dialog.
- Now automatically sets the status attribute on
new and changed elements with the Set @status for new/changed
elements option.
- Added the Use wide Reference Manager option.
This provides a wider Reference Manager for those that need it.
Structure Application Updates
- Updated to support DITA 1.1
- Added DITA 1.1 elements to all structure applications.
- Default Topic application is less “book-like”
- Because DITA-sourced content may be used for many types of output,
we have removed many of the print-specific layout and formatting
features from the default Topic application. This helps authors
to focus on the content rather than the formatting, and results
in topics that are more useful in all deliverable formats. The main typeface
used is now Verdana.
- Added FM-specific elements
- Added fm-indexterm as a marker element that has the same attributes
as the standard indexterm element. The indexterm element is now
a “container” element. (For backwards compatibility, if a structure
application contains an indexterm element that is defined as a “marker”
element type, it will be used instead of the fm-indexterm element.)
- Added the fm-data-marker element as a “marker” element type.
- Changed the fm-topicreflabel element to fm-reflabel since it
is now used by elements other than topicref. (For backwards compatibility,
if a structure application contains the fm-topicreflabel, that will
be used in place of the fm-reflabel.)
- Customization and localization (topic and book applications)
- To lessen the level of effort in EDD/template customization
and localization, some elements that formerly received prefix text
directly from the EDD now have that text applied via a paragraph
tag or set of paragraph tags in the template. With a plan to include
more elements in the future, this version took this approach with
the note and permissions elements.
- The note prefix text is now applied using a set of template
paragraph tags. With the exception of “other,” each note type attribute
value now maps to a similarly named note paragraph tag. For example,
a note type of “danger” maps to a paragraph tag named note.danger.
- To further help support both localization and customization,
the first and left indents for note are set in the EDD using variables,
indent_1, indent_2, index_3, and indent_4. Changing those variable
values will change the indents for both the note and the screen
- The permissions element is now mapped to a set of prolog.permissions
paragraph tags.
- The prefix text for the example element has been dropped.
- The codeblock element has a set of paragraph tags for its various
contexts. This set of tags all begin with name codeblock (codeblock.ol.ul.first,
codeblock.ol.ul, etc.).
- The syntaxdiagram element is now mapped to a syntaxdiagram paragraph
- The prolog element is now mapped to a prolog paragraph tag.
- Color definitions have been altered to be more consistent between
the topic and book applications.
- Map/Bookmap application
- Various levels of indentation have been added for the topicref-type
elements that occur in bookmaps.
- The relcolspec element now displays attribute values for type,
collection-type, and linking when in reltables, and collection-type
and linking in other contexts.
- The indexterm element is now mapped to an index character tag.
- The vrm element’s prefix text has been modified.
Bug Fixes
- Baseline offset now supported
- The baseline offset property of an image
cannot be set through the read/write rules file. To set this property
you must use the BaselineOffset parameter in the INIOnly section
of the ditafmx.ini file.
- image/alt element now supported
- The image/alt element now round-trips from
DITA to FM. While in FrameMaker, the content of the alt element
is stored in the image/@alt attribute. To edit the “alt” text, edit
the @alt attribute value. Note that any child elements of the alt
element or attributes on the alt element are discarded when the
file is opened in FM. A warning message is written to the console
window on file open if attributes or child elements are detected.
- UNC path improvements
- Working with files in folders on a UNC mapped
network drive (“\\servername”) will now result in the relative paths
being saved properly (as relative paths) rather than as absolute
UNC paths.
- xref/link issues
- All xref and link @href values are now written
with backslashes.
- New file naming issue
- If the file name for a new file contains a period, it was incorrectly
assumed to represent the file extension. Now if a file does not
end with “.dita” or “.xml” the default file extension is appended.
- Long application names display properly in Options
- A structure application name that wraps to multiple lines in
the structure application definitions file now show the entire name
in the Options dialog.
- Changing the DPI of an image that uses the fmdpi feature
will update properly
- Images that use the fmdpi feature now properly update the fmdpi
value when the DPI of an image is changed.
- topicref/@navtitle is not added if @navtitle has been
removed from the EDD
- When building topicrefs, if the EDD has been customized to remove
the navtitle attribute, that attribute is longer automatically added
(causing an invalid structure).
- Where Used now searches in maps
- The Where Used command now properly reports instances of topics
in maps.
- Search in Files now ignores URLs
- The Search in Files command now ignores URLs when scanning for
files to search.