1.00.25 (1.0 release) - 7 July 2008
New Features
- FrameMaker 8 support.
- Now supports FrameMaker 8 and all of its Unicode functionality.
- Full support for link elements.
- Link elements in the related-link section of a topic are now
managed the same way xref elements have been.
- Search in Files command.
- Provides the ability to search for content in files within a
folder (and sub-folders) or in files referenced by a DITA map. The
search criteria can be a mix of textual content, element or attribute
names, or attribute value.
- Where Used command.
- Generates a report listing all files that reference the selected
element or current topic.
- Set Attributes command.
- Provides quick and easy access to setting attributes on elements.
In particular, this command makes use of the FrameMaker “Strings”
attribute type and allows you to select one or more default values
that are applied to the attribute.
- Updated New DITA File command.
- The New DITA File dialog now lets you enter the topic or map
title and automatically generate a proposed file name based on your
specification (in the New File Options dialog). You can also optionally
select an element template to insert predefined structure and content
to the new file. If needed, you can specify a folder name along
with the file name and that folder will be created if needed.
- Integrated ditaval support and management.
- The Ditaval Manager provides an easy to use interface for creating
and managing ditaval files. These files can be used to apply conditional
filtering to FrameMaker books and documents as well as passed to
the Open Toolkit for filtering of the generated content.
- Handles “pretty-printed” XML files.
- A new option strips padding (spaces and tabs) from files on
- Auto-Prolog feature.
- A new option lets you specify certain prolog data to automatically
add or update on file creation and file save.
- Build Map from Outline command.
- Creates a DITA map and optionally DITA topic files from a simple
FrameMaker document.
- Build ‘WorkBook’ from Map command.
- Generates FrameMaker book file that contains all of the DITA
files referenced by a DITA map and any sub-maps. This command facilitates
the use of FrameMaker’s commands that iterate over files in a book
(such as spell checking and search).
- Open All XML Files in Book command.
- Intended to be used with the “WorkBook,” this command opens
all of the XML files in a book and provides the option to resolve
references or not in the opened files.
- Topicref labels in DITA maps.
- A new option allows you to choose the type of content displayed
in the topicref label. You can see the title, the file name or both.
- New DITA File updates.
- The New DITA File command is now available from the File menu
in addition to the DITA-FMx menu. When creating a new DITA file,
you can now overwrite an existing file, and create new folders.
- ID attribute validation.
- When manually changing an ID attribute value, a warning is displayed
if it is invalid.
- Added Xref to Hyperlink command.
- This command converts DITA-based xrefs and links into FrameMaker
Hyperlinks that are live hyperlinks in generated PDF files.
- Variables persist through the Map to Book process.
- Two new commands have been added, Prepare Variables and Rebuild
Variables, which make it possible for FrameMaker variables that
are used in DITA files to be available as live variables in the
generated book files.
- Reference Manager “remembers” last selected element
- When you use the Reference Manager, it now defaults to selecting
the last referenced element type.
- Added option to disable coloring of conrefs.
- If the coloring of conrefs causes problems for your output tools
(WebWorks in particular doesn’t like it), you can now disable this
in the Topic or Book applications.
- Now recognizes the “include” ditaval action.
- The Ditaval Manager and the Apply Ditaval as Conditions command
now recognize the “include” ditaval action value.
- Added Check for Updates command.
- The Check for Updates command was added to the menu as well
as a setting in the Options dialog to specify the frequency to automatically
check for updates.
- Added “break conref” functionality.
- If you need to convert a conref into editable text (and sever
the connection to the source element), delete the conref attribute
value and double-click the conref.
- Added special image-handling features.
- The “fmdpi” feature maintains alternate image
sizes within FrameMaker. Add the value, “fmdpi:<DPI>” to the
image/@otherprops attribute (where <DPI> is the DPI value). See
the Working with Images topic for
more info.
- The default alignment for new images is now defined by the default
value of the image/@align attribute.
- Added API calls.
- FMxVer, FixBookRefs, and LoadReferences.
- Added the fm-* elements to the DITA Reference.
- Now when you use Alt+F1 to get help on the selected element,
it will work for the “fm-*” elements as well.
Structure Application Updates
- Changed “String” to “Strings” type for filtering attributes.
- To allow easy use of the new filtering groups feature of the
Set Attributes command, the attribute type for platform, product,
audience, and otherprops has been changed to “Strings” in the Topic
and Map applications.
- Added a user-settable method of round tripping graphics
as non-cropped.
- A “don't crop” read/write rule has been added to the topic and
book rules files. By default it is commented out, but by enabling
it, graphics can round-trip without FrameMaker resetting them to
“Cropped” during import.
- Added formatting support for more elements within a
- Some formatting support for lists (ul and ol), p, dl, and note
has been added and now includes formatting for contexts where fig
has its attribute expanse set to page. Also, a list whose compact
attribute is set to “yes” within a fig will now format as a horizontal
- Line below Task is more reliably drawn.
- The line indicating the completion of a Task now occurs in more
- Corrected format of Topic label text in reltable heading.
- The “Topic,” “Reference,” “Concept,” and “Task” text that automatically
appears in the column heading of a reltable is now properly left-aligned
in its cell.
- Topicmeta formats for author and keyword are now more
- Author element text now properly aligns with the other elements
in topicmeta. And, keyword elements receive more consistent formatting
where multiple keywords occur.
- Book template DITA-Comment and DITA-Prolog conditions
display default is now properly set.
- With the DITA option set to conditionalize Prolog or Comment
elements, when a DITA file is opened that contains comment or prolog
elements, the template default is now to Hide those elements. (For
Topic and Map templates, the default behavior is still to Show those
Bug Fixes
- Processing
Instructions after the document close tag.
- Opening an XML file that has a PI (processing instruction) after
the document's closing tag no longer crashes FM when you save that
- Proper handling of colons in the forced sort area of
an index entry.
- Colons in the forced sort area of an index entry (within square
brackets) are no longer treated as level separators when saving
to XML. The forced sort content is written to the last indexterm
- fm-xref and fm-link element fixes.
- Fixed problem where fm-xref and fm-link elements did not properly
reference sub-topic elements.
- New file command properly creates topics with specialized
title elements.
- If your specialized topic type uses a “title” element with a
name other than “title” it properly uses that specialized element.
- Clipboard content is not lost when opening a new topicref.
- If you copy something to the clipboard, then open a topic by
clicking a topicref, that content is still available for pasting.
- Conrefs that specify no file name now resolve to the
current file.
- When the conref attribute specifies no file name (as in conref="#topicid/elemid") the
conref looks for “topicid/elemid” in the current file.
- Topicrefs that reference a topicid now process correctly.
- Updated the book processing XSLT file so it can handle topicrefs
that reference a file and a topicid (topicref/@href='filename.xml#topicid').
- On file open, a missing image now triggers the “missing
image” dialog.
- When opening a file, if an image can’t be found, the default
“Select image file” dialog is now displayed.
- Replacing an existing image properly updates the href
- If an existing image is replaced through the FrameMaker interface,
when the file is reopened the new file name is still properly specified.
- Column widths in simpletable and choicetable elements.
- These elements now round trip properly.
- Tables in generated files are full width.
- When building a book, tables now fill the width of the text
- Moved INI parameters around a bit.
- The following INI parameters have been moved from one section
to another (as indicated):
- General -> INIOnly/AutoLoadTopicrefs
- General -> INIOnly/XrefElements
- General -> INIOnly/StructappsFile
- General -> INIOnly/FmXrefElem
- General -> INIOnly/FileOpenClient
- General -> INIOnly/DitaHelpKeys
- General -> INIOnly/DitaReference
- General -> DitavalDefaults/DitavalName
- General -> DitavalDefaults/DitavalExcludeConditionName
- General -> DitavalDefaults/DitavalExcludeConditionNameType
- General -> DitavalDefaults/DitavalExcludeConditionVisibility
- General -> DitavalDefaults/DitavalFlagConditionName
- General -> DitavalDefaults/DitavalFlagConditionNameType
- General -> DitavalDefaults/DitavalFlagConditionVisibility
- GeneralImport -> General/CheckForComments
- Other misc. fixes.
- Various cleanup and bug fixes.