1.1.18 - 14 January 2014
- Added support for FrameMaker 12
- DITA-FMx should work properly with FM12. It does not work fully
with FrameMaker XML Author.
- Added support for identifying flattened conrefs
- Added INIOnly/FlattenedConrefAttr parameter. If set to specify
an attribute name, adds attrname='flattened-conref' to flattened
conrefs. This is useful for a publishing process that needs to identify
content that came from a conref.
- Added “post pagination” script book-build options
- The default book-build script runs before the content has been
conditionalized and other processes run which affect pagination.
If you have a script that needs to run after pagination, use these
new BookBuildOverrides options (RunPostPaginationScript, PostPaginationScriptName,
and PostPaginationScriptArgs).
Application Updates
- Import
XSL script updates
- The expandOrig.xsl and bookmap2fmbook.xsl scripts
were updated to add support for references to maps from a backmatter
and other elements.
- Book template updates
- The book_1.1.template.fm file was updated
to include “title-appx.0” and “title-part.0” paragraph tags which
were referenced by the EDD (added in an earlier update).
Bug Fixes / Minor Updates
- Conditionalize Data option conditionalizes
area now
- The Conditionalize Data option now applies the DITA-Data condition
to any area elements.
- All 20 custom attribute values display properly in
Set Attributes dialog
- When using all 20 custom attribute values in the filtergroups.ini file,
and if those strings were long, it was possible that they would
not all display completely in the Set Attributes dialog. This has
been fixed.